| 01993 702452


You can be assured of pain free appointments with our experienced hygienists Laura, Mandie, Carly and Deborah.

Oral health refers to the health of the teeth, gums, and the entire oral-facial system that allows us to smile, speak, and chew. Some of the most common diseases that impact our oral health include cavities (tooth decay), gum (periodontal) disease, and oral cancer.
Regular visits to your Dentist and Hygienist are very important.


Guided Biofilm Therapy

We now have the range topping EMS Airflow Prophylaxis Master Units in both of our hygienist surgeries to offer the latest technology in periodontal treatment for Teeth and Implants.

 The method is called Guided Biofilm Technology or GBT. GBT is a game changer when it comes to hygienist treatment appointments. It is minimally invasive Pain free, Gentle and Safe.

GBT works for all dental patients.

  • General hygienist appointments
  • Patients with implants.
  • Patients with orthodontic appliances
  • Children
  • Denture wearers (it cleans dentures too!)
  • Mild to severe periodontal patients (Gum disease)
  • GBT also cleans tongues

GBT is a great option for those who want to remove all stains resulting from coffee, tea, wine and tobacco consumption, and should be done before receiving tooth whitening to achieve better results.

Get in touch today

My visits to the hygienist are something I could never do without! My teeth have improved so much with regular visits. My gums thank, you!

What people say about us...

I like to go to the dentists because I like my dentists because they make me laugh! And they are very funny and kind.F.M. age 11

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Contact us:

51 Corn Street
OX28 6BT

T: 01993 702452
E: dentist@cornstreetdental.co.uk


Our ground floor surgery enables patients with disabilities to access our care.

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